Why Trash Birds Are Some People’s Treasures

By Robin Carpenter July 30, 2022
The Feather Birdhouse Cover
  • Credits:
  • Helen’s Place LLC, Ch. 17. Starlings Arriving in The Great Garden, "The Feather Birdhouse or Birds on the Move"


Helen’s Place LLC    July 30, 2022

If you’re a birdwatcher and enjoy a good drama – a garden in the middle of the city is the place for you!  If you ever wanted to elevate a trash bird above the fray, look no further then The Great Garden.

Here, of an evening, you might spot trash birds being tormented by safety patrol inspectors on bicycles with laser pointers.

They’re working hard to roust migrating grackles and starlings out of trees in the park, to no avail.


But what is a trash bird anyway, and why should we care?


According to Mike Bergin at 10,000 Birds, “Trash bird is controversial birding lingo for any species that is so ubiquitous in a location that it surpasses unremarkable and becomes truly irritating.”

But just suppose for a moment that grackles and starlings really did have redeemable qualities, and deserved a place in this world.

Now that idea would seem preposterous to most Texans who view starlings and grackles as being on a mission to god-only-knows-where, and just on this earth to annoy you.

However, it’s worth considering because we know that sometimes fiction is more real than reality, even though it’s supposed to be the other way around!  This seems especially true in the culture wars we navigate through today.

Think about it.


Related audio/video recording:

A quick glimpse of the real garden:

YouTube, Helen’s Place LLC, September 23, 2021,  “Ch. 18, Setting of The Wends Taking Off from the Great Garden” 


Other related articles you may be interested in:

Uplifting articles if you’re ever in need of cheering up:

10000birds.com, Mike Bergin, October 8,2012, “American Trash Bird”
Helen’s Pace LLC, “How Story of Chicken Little and the Sky is Falling is True”


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to info@helensplacenet.com.



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