A Tale of Two Florida’s: Where Woke and/or People Go to Die

By Robin Carpenter May 31, 2023
  • Credits:
  • Shutterstock/Helen's Place LLC. Florida in contrast to Michigan.


Helen’s Place LLC  Update: June 2, 2023

There’s a world of  contrast playing out in Florida and other states between the fake and the real – with the fake claiming to be real, while the real is just unfolding, as it always does, in a reactionary fashion.

For some it seems obvious that when people accept disinformation, they often make bad choices, and there’s a direct correlation between bad choices and negative outcomes.


In other words – things are much more likely to go sideways when a decision is based on wrong thinking.


Take Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida:   He shines a spotlight on the new American culture war by exacerbating falsehoods, like – “there’s no inequality anymore because we’re all equal now,” or “everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed.”

This is the spin that DeSantis and his supporters want everyone to believe.  Unfortunately, that  doesn’t square with the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) warning that Florida is dangerous for black people and minorities.

We’ve seen this type of contrast between the unreal and the real playing out throughout history, which makes predicting the future unclear.   Even without the internet, social media or artificial intelligence (AI), propogandists (distorters of facts), have always existed and always will – ready to take advantage of confused people for personal gain.


The dire question is – how likely will negative outcomes from faulty decision-making shorten a believer’s life? 

Take for example an unvaccinated person more at risk of serious illness or dying from Covid-19:  Their mistaken belief that the potential reaction to the vaccine is worse than getting the disease, illustrates how willful ignorance can get you or someone you love killed.

It’s hard to calculate the cost of believing in falsehoods and expecting positive outcomes, or put another way –  to calculate the cost of wishful thinking on a person’s life.


Perhaps reality is fluid – a mental construct constantly being challenged  like when two teams are portrayed as being equally matched to sell tickets to sports events. In this case, “both side-ism” appears to be true, even though it’s not.

In  Florida, before DeSantis came to power, extremes on both sides of the political spectrum, coexisted  in the sunshine.   You could be any race or gender,  or as prejudiced as  you wanted to be –  like at one of the nearby trailer parks or on boats flying American flags.

In light of Florida culture, it makes no sense that DeSantis is now fighting with Disney and schools as his made up “woke” adversaries.  


His  “no fun league” against “wokism.” won’t work long term in Florida or nationally, critics say,  and he’ll  likely die on the political vine as more people get tired of it.

Trumpism, on the other hand,  will likely win out in right-wing circles, because his supporters want the grievance politics – but also want entry to the exclusive party and the chance to get rich scheme.

Here’s where Trump offers the perfect fake narrative of hating everything, while offering hope to masses of angry people wanting more.

Believing in Trump means you too can live in Florida in your piece of heaven, and one day be driving your boat around.


But not everyone believes in the chaotic Florida that DeSantis or Trump represent.  Looking elsewhere in the country for other possibilities, we find people with higher discernment skills sorting out facts from fiction, willing to face reality.

They demonstrate that those with greater ability to sort through volumes of conflicting data and make practical  choices, have better outcomes.


They know that better decision-making  leads to sanity and well-being –serious health benefits in the times we are living through in the U.S.


Take Michigan, for example.  Make no mistake – there are plenty of far right extremists in Michigan.  But the cold weather and requirement to battle the elements, along with better leadership, allow a greater percentage of people to deal with reality and maintain a common sense mindset to survive adverse conditions.

Governor Whitmer, lawmakers and the majority of Michiganders have the vision to apply common sense to politics as well.


As Governor Whitmer said in an interview on CBS Sunday Morning, “The best way to disarm a bully is to take their weapon and use it as your shield.”

Views that stand in sharp contrast to Florida’s far right opinion include:


Florida:      Ban abortion for all women.

Michigan:  If you don’t like abortion, don’t get one.


Florida:      Implement censorship for books you don’t like.

Michigan:  If you don’t like certain books, don’t read them.


Florida:      Round-up immigrants because there’re too many of them.

Michigan:  If you don’t like immigrants reconsider, because they’re doing work Americans don’t want, like working in meat packing plants.



Yes, people make many choices in their lives, and politics in America has never been more confusing.


It’s okay to be annoyed with people on the left and right making life harder, and strive for middle ground where extremes on either side are ignored.

Perhaps one day, Florida will follow the example of Michigan, and return to a more balanced society.  When it does, it can get back to what it does best – have more fun.


Related audio/video recording:

The interview with Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Governor, highlights the differences between Whitmer and Governor DeSantis:

YouTube, CBS Sunday Morning, March 26, 2023, “That Woman From Michigan.”  


Other related article you may be interested in:


 Robert Reich discussing the chaos caused by making up false information:

Guardian, Robert Reich, June 1, 2023,
Republicans love to make up fake crises. Here are five of the biggest”


Kyle Kaminski discusses the contrast between Florida and Michigan:

The ‘Gander, June 1, 2023, Kyle Kaminski, “New Billboards Urge Florida Visitors to Turn Around and Go to Michigan”



Helen’s Place LLC is an information and educational materials company celebrating English Language Arts, Cognitive Science and the love of birds.  It’s the maker of printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials for children and adults.


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