Archived: American Impact-Should Trump be Feared or Cheered?

By Robin Carpenter March 1, 2017
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  • sfchronicle

Archive | Historical Interest:  Helen’s Place LLC,  April 8, 2021

With Trump out of the Presidency but threatening a comeback in 2024, it’s very much in question whether he should be “cheered or feared,”  in terms of helping or or hurting America’s emotional fitness to deal with the cultural divide from the January 6, 2021 Insurrection and the COVID-19 pandemic.

As of this writing, Trump’s legacy has been overshadowed by events still playing out in real time, and better analyzed by professional historians as future facts are known.


Helen’s Place LLC,  March 1, 2017 12:16 AM

At the time Trump took office on January 20, 2017, the unemployment rate was considered low and close to full employment by the Labor Department.  Yet, among Trump voters, the job picture in America wasn’t good, but steadily improving under his leadership since then.

Many Americans are convinced that jobs will be saved or increased if the president succeeds in killing free trade, banning Muslims from entering the U.S., deporting illegal aliens, and building the border wall with Mexico.

Trump frequently threatens car manufacturers Toyota, Ford, and BMW with tariffs he would like to impose on their cars made in Mexico and brought across the border to sell in the U.S.

He also boasts about jobs he’s saved from going to Mexico, such as those at Carrier, and the new jobs he’s going to create via infrastructure projects in the U.S.

Reports of the exact numbers of jobs saved, or expected to be created varies, but to Trump supporters, the real statistics don’t matter as much as Trump continues to talk about the towns and people from places in America that have long been forgotten by the “liberal” media.

In the coming months, labor statistics will reflect whether Trump’s actions motivate millions of American workers who have dropped out and are not currently counted in the labor statistics, to start looking for work again, start a business, or relocate to another part of the country with more job opportunities.

Trump promises that the U.S. will have new labor statistic standards that will reflect the real numbers of the unemployed.

On the fearing side, many Americans and some of the media, report doomsday and job losses which will result in food price escalations, soaring costs of clothing, vehicles, and products, affected by the loss of free trade.

This population continues to be alarmed by Trump’s policies, and his choice of millionaires and billionaires to fill cabinet positions in commerce, labor, and trade departments.

These Americans express being fed-up with the notion that if you hire rich people and cut taxes, it will lead to job creation by companies who will build or expand business in the U.S. and hire more workers.   They say they have heard this fairy tale many times before.

Despite the big talk by the president, many Americans say there is little evidence to support that Trump will do anything to bring back the coal or steel industries, other manufacturing jobs in the U.S., or undertake massive infrastructure and public works projects that will create jobs.

They say that Trump will continue to talk a good game, sign paperweight executive actions, and appear at rallies and events to bash the liberal media, without really doing anything for the American worker.

Related audio/video interview recording:

Historians weigh in on President Trump’s Legacy:

Bloomberg, January 18, 2021, “What Will Be President Trump’s Legacy”

Other related article you may be interested in: 

Reuters, January 21, 2021, “Analysis: Trump’s legacy: A more divided America, a more unsettled world”


Helen’s Place LLC, Did Trump Eclipse the American Spirit?

Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to


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