Black and Innocent Lives Matter in Truth and Denial Age

By Robin Carpenter February 22, 2022
  • Credits:
  • Photo, Helen's Place LLC: Black Lives Matter March June 5, 2020, Dallas, TX with yellow umbrellas bearing the names of lives lost with hope they never be forgotten.


Helen’s Place LLC    Update July 19, 2022


Somewhere in the gloom of winter yellow birds sit in trees, reminding us that better days are possible in America.    But then another person is killed, and the birds morph into yellow umbrellas representing lost souls.

The American culture war is raging. Many don’t care and don’t want to hear about it. They may believe that freedom of speech is precious, but that’s as far as it goes.  Some morn the day that people stopped believing truth was definable; today truth is as you believe it to be.

Violence in America Is increasing, and not just gun violence against black people, and “misinformationists” are either knowingly or unknowingly spreading false information about it.  Harmful, indirect actions are far more prevalent than direct violence.

Most of what misinformationists are mad about is fabricated or grossly exaggerated.  This includes ideas that critical race and replacement theory is a real threat.  Anger and division sells, and  media pundits wouldn’t make stuff up like this if viewers didn’t want this narrative.


Despite facts that minorities aren’t coming for white people, pundits conjure up evidence that they are.


Logically, misinformationists should know that if a person is able to hold a gun without someone breaking down their door and killing them, they’ve got the upper hand.

But they prefer to remain angry and act as though it’s us against them – if you’re the wrong religion, political party, old, sick or disabled, the wrong color, gender, or ethnicity,  you might find yourself marginalized or targeted.


It’s sad when lost souls are just collateral damage for personal freedom, and it’s better to sacrifice the welfare of others for the perceived benefit to one’s self and the chosen few.


“Live free or die,” and never mind about the people you take down with you.

The lack of social consciousness is driving some truth-tellers to physically move to be in communities where people still care about one other.  Likewise, misinformationists are moving to where they can join others in their disdain for anyone who doesn’t look or think like them.


Meta (Facebook’s parent company) offers an alternative to both groups: 

According to Meta, we are in the metaverse where you can create your own reality and  if you don’t want to confront people, instead of moving you can erase them from your virtual world!

So for example if a truth-teller wants to escape from a false information believer of Facebook groups, Fox News, News Max, and/or QAnon etc. they can.  Which leads to the question:


What happens when people just don’t care anymore? Like when they don’t want to remember the people who have died at the hands of senseless violence?   


Some would argue that there’s a serious danger in dropping out from the real world, and now’s not the time to do it because then the bullies and deniers win.

Already there’s evidence that “misinformationists”  are wreaking havoc in our world.  They drive with the antivaxxer truckers, blame healthcare workers when they get COVID, and act-out on airplanes.

Twitter bans them, but they find new homes on Spotify, school boards and the Supreme Court.

Even if they don’t use guns, and they often do both,  misinformationists assault people with their words.  They hurl symbolic sticks and stones with malice.

They find political platforms to spew hate and silence minorities.  They gerrymander maps and work to suppress voting rights. They cause division and stress in families.


Since the Civil War, misinformationists have never been meaner or more present in our lives, and the internet makes the spread of their rhetoric so much worse than in past centuries.


A few months from now truth-tellers will march again for black lives.   This year, more names will be added to the list of people who have died at the hands of senseless violence.

Marchers will remind us all that  so much of life is unfair,  but we must do what we can to fix and right the wrongs.  Misinformationists will say the opposite and justify the violence.

People have the ability to learn from their mistakes, and democracy and society is always changing.


This is why people have hope that children of future generations will learn to care, tell fact from fiction, be honest and have courage.


Leaving the metaverse and joining the living to fight against misinformation is hard.  As Americans,  we must work toward a better world – holding fast to the ideals of liberty and justice for all.   By doing so, we honor the innocents lost and preserve our future.


On March 29, 2022 President Biden signed The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act into law making lynching a federal hate crime, a significant achievement in the BLM movement for humanity.



Other related video interview  you may be interested in:

Today, March 24, 2022, Inside the metaverse: Potential dangers virtual reality poses for kids


Other related article you may be interested in:

Archived article identifies the cultural wars heating up in racist and inclusive America:

Helen’s Place LLC, June 1, 2018, “Archived: Political Correctness at Work in America”



This article was originally published by Helen’s Place LLC on February 22, 2022.  Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to



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