Current State of America: Revenge and Mercy

By Robin Carpenter January 31, 2025
  • Credits:
  • Photo, Shutterstock. Helen's Place LLC observing that in 2025 mercy and revenge exist at the same point in time in American history.


Helen’s Place LLC   Update February 8, 2025


How can the effects of revenge and mercy occupy the same space in time?   The answer is that people have always had the capacity to experience either or both – depending on their level of thinking which manifest in vivid ways.


This is why there’s nothing more important than our thoughts, and we’re more influenced by other people than we’d like to admit.


To test this reality, follow the reactions of people who collectively believe they were wronged in some way – whether true or not:

Low level thinkers in this group frequently seek to destroy their enemies in the name of religion and/or righteousness.   Christian Nationalists, for example, believing that God is on their side give themselves justification to inflict pain on others.

Taking revenge against real or imagined enemies can start with name calling and belittling, but then escalate to mass deportations or even murder.

The more people join the ranks of those wanting to get even, the more likely violence will occur.  There’s momentum in a violent mob.


Sometimes people are so hell bent on revenge that they don’t even realize they’re destroying themselves in the process.


In contrast, Jesus said to turn the other cheek – meaning not to hate those who cause harm, but to ask God to have mercy on their souls.    He reflected the higher level thinking that you reap what you sow.

He taught that there’s no need to seek revenge against those who wrong you, because judgement day is coming, people will face the consequences of their actions, and justice will be done.


With this understanding, Jesus was free to do what he thought was right without being tainted by revenge.  This makes him one of the greatest examples in history of how to live.


The lesson here is that it takes higher level consciousness to steer people to the light.   It takes effort and vigilance to cultivate higher order thinking in oneself.

With this in mind, it’s easier to understand how so many people follow down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole en masse because higher order thinking is hard.


The clash between higher and lower level thinking in America

 An Axios story with pictures of debris left by MAGA supporters waiting to get into the Inauguration Day rally in Washington D.C. on January 20, 2025, shows the outcome of lower level thinking or total unconsciousness.

Symbolically, the debris left behind represents the revenge obsessed oblivion of half of the voting population, and the mess of a destroyed America.  (Note that the other half of America will be left holding the bag to clean up the aftermath when the time comes).


The Lower Level Masses in Power

 Inauguration Day, January 20, 2025, marked a new day in America that might be called the day that TikTok won.  Others might recall the movie “Idiocracy.”

It was the day that Trump’s naked character was exposed for the world to see –complete with tacky pageantry and billionaires in a “what’s in it for me” culture.


Prior to the inauguration, news sources reported that there was more concern by the American people over the shutdown of TikTok, than about scheduled mass deportations in the new administration.   


These reports revealed that a huge swath of Americans had morphed into self-absorbed, vapidness – against the backdrop of fires and floods raging in LA and the world, as well as the misery playing out in Gaza and Ukraine from the wars there.

Day 1 of Trump’s term was  the zenith of MAGA supporter adoration, when he went full-on fascist by pardoning or commuting the sentences of over 1500 Jan 6th rioters. He released this revenge army from jail  – including those who injured police officers.

Since then, Trump’s actions in office prove he has no respect for the justice system, police, or the government  – unless it benefits him. His revenge against his enemies in whatever way he sees fit is unfolding, and there will be no mercy.

The attempt to destroy the federal government appears to be at hand, and many MAGA supporters are enjoying the show.


The Beginning of the Resistance

 For half of the American voters, facing Trump’s second term requires soul searching to grapple with how 77 million voters assessed Trump’s lies and fitness for office and voted for him anyway, and another 90 million people didn’t vote at all.

Living with this reality stings, and some voters have turned off the news and dropped out.

As Trump’s agenda rolls out, half of Americans wonder how long it will take before MAGA supporters themselves are hit so hard in their pocketbooks that they say, “Wait a minute, this isn’t what we signed up for- we thought we were voting to bring down inflation!”


Revenge only goes so far and can’t buy groceries or a job once it’s lost.


This is why governors in red states may be some of the first to fight against the Trump agenda because they want to  keep good paying jobs in their states.  They want to protect newly created infrastructure jobs in the solar and wind industries and electric car production, that Trump is working to destroy.

Some of the blue state governors like Gavin Newsom in CA –  admired for watching Fox news and understanding right wing voters – appeals to America’s better angels to help one another through tough times – regardless of political party.

But Governor Newsom and other governors, aren’t so naïve as to think that MAGA isn’t coming for them despite their bipartisan efforts.

In fact Trump continues to exact revenge against California by withholding federal disaster relief funds – reserving federal funds only for states that support him on a transactional basis.


It turns out that nothing enrages Trump and his MAGA supporters more than beliefs about showing mercy for people they hate.  


Higher level thinkers, on the other hand, celebrate caring for all people and are willing to take defiant action to speak truth to power to deliver this message.

Take for example the words of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde showing bravery –  in her sermon speaking to President Trump at the National Cathedral, Washington D.C. on January 21, 2025:

“In the name of God, I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our country.  We’re scared now.  The people who pick our crops and clean our office buildings, who labor in poultry farms and meatpacking plants, who wash the dishes after we eat in restaurants and work the night shift in hospitals.

They may not be citizens or have the proper documentation, but the vast number of immigrants are not criminals.  They pay taxes and are good neighbors.  They are faithful members of our churches and mosques, synagogues, gurdwara, and temples.

I ask you to have mercy Mr. President on those in our communities whose children fear that their parents will be taken away, and that you help those who are fleeing war zones and persecution in their own lands to find compassion and welcome here. Our God teaches us that we are to be merciful to the stranger, for we were all once strangers in this land.”


Trump’s tweet in response on his Truth Social platform January 22, 2025, illustrated that Bishop Budde’s plea for mercy fell on deaf ears:

“She brought her church into the World of politics in a very ungracious way. She was nasty in tone, and not compelling or smart, Budde didn’t mention that some migrants have come to the United States and killed people.  Apart from her inappropriate statements, the service was a very boring and uninspiring one. She is not very good at her job!  She and her church owe the public an apology!”



 If mercy and higher level thinking survive in America– it will be by the groups of people standing up and fighting MAGA –  but with compassion toward those who are going to need it where many of them are going.

It will be neighbor helping neighbor to celebrate diversity, mourn, look after one another  and rebuild – long after our government is destroyed.


Related audio/video recordings:


Demonstrating higher level thinking:

Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde pleaded with President Trump during the National Prayer Service asking Trump to have mercy on those people in America he is terrorizing.

YouTube, CBS News, January 21, 2025, “Bishop pleads with Trump on fears from people targeted by his policies.”


Lower level thinking:

Story reporting how  MAGA is making fun of Selina Gomez for being upset about deportations under the Trump administration.

YouTube, The Hollywood Reporter, January 27, 2025, “Selena Gomez Breaks Down as She Reacts to Trump Deportations | THR News”



Other related articles you may be interested in:


PBS article about the aftermath of the Bishop Budde’s words:

PBS News, January 22, 2025, “Trump demands apology after bishop asked him to ‘have mercy’ on LGBTQ+ people and migrants.”



Helen’s Place LLC discusses the reality of living under the Trump 2.0 presidency and how to survive it.

Helen’s Place LLC, November 30, 2024, “Maga: Living Under America’s First Disinformation World Power.”


Helen’s Place LLC is an information and educational materials company celebrating English Language Arts, Cognitive Science and the love of birds.  It’s the maker of  printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials for children and adults in the field of English Language Arts and Cognitive Science.


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to    We’re always interested in learning more about you and the issues that are important to you.




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