Helen’s Place LLC Quarterly Update – September 2021

By admin September 21, 2021
Helen’s Place LLC Quarterly Update – September 2021

Helen’s Place LLC     Update: September 25, 2021

This newsletter is for teachers, educators, counselors, bird enthusiasts, and those working hard in the English Language Arts and Cognitive Science field.  As a company, we work every day to bring you interesting solution based news, ideas, and hope.

In March 2021, our company decided to expand its business into making educational materials for children and adults.

Our first product in The Feather Birdhouse TM line, is the book, The Feather Birdhouse or Birds On The Move, for pre-teens and the young at heart.  This book is about birds and self-discovery, and is available wherever books are sold, and in our online educational store.

For extra fun, the eBook edition in Apple Books contains enhanced audio bird sounds at the end of each of the 20 book chapters.  The eBook is very inexpensive and in addition to Apple, is  available from other vendors like Google Play and Kindle – presenting a nice format even without the bird sounds.


We tested out the book by reading The Feather Birdhouse print book edition to younger audiences,  queuing up bird sounds from the eBook to their delight! 


On September 24 2021, we celebrated the launch of our first educational materials products at the Wing Bucket restaurant, and passed out special bookmarks with the words, “Celebrating the Love of Birds.”

The Feather BirdhouseTM product launch at the Wing Bucket, Dallas, TX on September 24, 2021.


We also published a companion Sketch & Note Combo Journal which is available in our online store.  You can expect more products to rollout in 2022, so stay tuned.

Interested schools may contact us for special pricing for large quantities of print books, notebooks and other items not available in the online store,  for their classrooms at (972) 803-6933, info@helensplacenet.com, or helensplacellc@gmail.com.

The Feather Birdhouse TM  product line will be especially useful for elementary schools with cross-function curriculum teachers of  English Language Arts (especially reading, writing), and science (bird studies).


We hope our books will encourage children everywhere to grab a sketchbook, go bird watching and write and draw their own stories!


Our love of birds and the resilience they demonstrate in navigating through a tough world continues to inspire us every day, as we hope it does you!

Stories  on our Helen’s Place Network website, include a story about a young mother’s experience running a home school during COVID-19 lockdown; a story about obstacles women are facing in the  workforce; and teachers struggling with kids wearing masks upside down.  We also feature a remembrance of Afghan women under siege; and articles about preserving memories.  For more stories, checkout the “About” tab and “Archive” section, or browse through various sections of the website.



Other related information you may be interested in: 

 Announcement about The Feather Birdhouse TM educational materials:

Helen’s Place LLC, March 24, 2021, “Announcing Educational Materials from Helen’s Place LLC”



As always, we enjoys hearing from readers  and receiving constructive comments and suggestions. Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email  info@helensplacenet.com

Thanks for your support!  Your book orders and purchases make it possible to continue our mission.  Don’t forget to sign up for the Quarterly Update!




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