Helen’s Place LLC Update: July 22, 2022
We’re making the same call to America six years later, even though the Labor Department reports that America is at full employment and believes that everyone in America who wants a job can get one.
But we know that Labor isn’t counting the underutilized workforce – the people living in our own backyard willing to work full or permanent jobs unable to for a variety of reasons.
There are an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants including ineligible children, and another 750,000 Deferred Action Childhood Arrivals, that Helen’s Place LLC and others have been writing about for years (i.e.article: DACA Orphans).
To have an emotionally fit nation, American’s need to value the underutilized workers, including the undocumented living in the shadows, and the companies desperate to hire them. They could be the people to save us.
Before businesses move offshore or outsource work to other countries, America needs to hire workers in our own country first. According to Brookings on February 24, 2022, it’s time to, “Tear Down Those Walls and Let Immigrants get Jobs in High Demand.”
Many companies, including those founded by immigrants and recognized as the greatest companies to work for, are waiting to give workers jobs once they are allowed by the Federal government to get work permits called Employment Authorization Cards (EAD’s).
It’s not that difficult to ensure that American citizens get jobs first before hiring someone with a work permit.
We should listen to the companies telling us that they can’t find American citizens to take their jobs. After all, American companies, including small businesses, are the backbone of our economy.
We should remember that to own a business in America, and hire workers to make or do stuff, is the greatest tribute to our nation’s ingenuity, creativity and resilience. It’s our responsibility as citizens to help them find the workers they need to stay in business.
Helen’s Place LLC November 1, 2016 16:22
Helen’s Place LLC wants all U.S. companies searching for workers overseas or outsourcing work, to promote jobs in the U.S. first.
If you’re having problems finding the right workers in the U.S., please send a detailed description of the problem to: info@helensplacenet.com, and include us on your mailing list for problem updates, so that we can join you in searching for a solution.
We want to help you and America figure out why you can’t find the skilled workers you need, and what the education industry needs to know to develop the talent you require to fill these jobs. It may not happen overnight, but Helen’s Place LLC is committed to helping solve this problem.
Related audio/video recording:
YouTube, PBS, “The US has a ‘thirst’ for immigrant workers. Why do so many struggle to get legal status?”
Other related articles you may be interested in:
CNBC, June 13, 2022, Worker shortages, supply chain crisis fuel 2022 Top States for Business battle
Helen’s Place LLC, May 1, 2021, Human Infrastructure and People on the Move Ready to Work
Your comments are greatly appreciated. Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to info@helensplacenet.com.