Is Working for a Socially Responsible Co. Too Much to Ask?

By Robin Carpenter April 8, 2021

Helen’s Place LLC,     Update:  July 30, 2022

“Don’t steal people’s data and sell it to advertisers in order to hawk products back to them.”   This might be first or last item on your list of mandates that a company must have to get you to work for them.

What you know is that the economy has improved and you’ve started looking for a better job.   What’s important to you is that you’d like to work for a socially responsible company, which means more to you than just being environmentally friendly.  You’d be willing to travel and relocate for the right opportunity. 

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) may include the following:


Pay and Compensation:

  • The company pays all of its employees a living wage of $15.00 per hour or more
  • Provides fair pay and compensation to allow you to have a decent two bedroom apartment without roommates
  • Provides recognition and rewards
  • Provides moving expenses
  • Provides good benefits including health insurance, life insurance, and a 401K plan


Working Conditions:

  • Provides reasonable hours and work schedules.  You will not be required to work more than a 40-hour workweek.  You will not be required to be “on call” 24 hours a day.
  • Provides a good HR department that investigates all employee complaints ranging from bullying to sexual harassment.
  • Provides a working environment that is safe and non-toxic.
  • Provides a cultural climate where people are treated equally, with respect.



  • The company will not pollute the environment, or make products that hurt the environment or people.

    Ideally, you’d like a company to follow the rule that if you can’t recycle a product or make it biodegradable, you don’t make or use it.  This means that certain chemical companies making “unrecyclable” plastics are off your list.  You’d prefer a manufacturing company that is paying attention to the latest trends in sustainable packaging.


When selecting a company, check to see if people have posted any company ratings on, or other job sites.  Check the Better Business Bureau for company complaints.  

Try to find someone willing to talk honestly about their experience working there.



Related audio/video recording:

Be part of a more sustainable world.  Learn more about CSR:

YouTube, Patreon, May 18, 2021, “CSR: What is Corporate Social Responsibility? Definition Examples Benefits”



Other related article you may be interested in: 

Helen’s Place LLC, January 18, 2018, People Join Conscious Resistance Movement”


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to









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