MAGA:Living Under America’s First Disinformation World Power

By Robin Carpenter November 30, 2024
  • Credits:
  • Photo, Shutterstock, Robert Hale. Helen’s Place LLC’s observation that this is what MAGA looks like as America’s first disinformation world power.


Helen’s Place LLC  Update: December 01, 2024

After the 2024 national election win, The MAGA Party – that is now a Republican Party in name only (RINO) – has become the first disinformation world power.  It’s “Stop the Steal” brand – based on the lie that the 2020 election was stolen – will now be the baseline for conjuring up infractions against enemies in 2025 and beyond- as well as all manner of destructive mayhem that can’t even be imagined.


The MAGA slogan “build the wall!” will soon be replaced with, “Tear down America!”  The questions remain – how far will it get?  Will American democracy survive?


The President elect told us during his campaign what he was going to do if elected, and now his Project 2025 blueprint will be followed.  As the implementation of this authoritarian plan accelerates beginning on Jan 20, 2025, after he is sworn in as President, America will become a darker place.

The loss of the 2024 election –  attributed to the Biden and Harris campaign being tone deaf to the economic worries of working class voters – leaves pundits concluding that “it was the economy stupid.”

But this evaluation is largely missing the mark.  It will be awhile, until the majority of the American people realize that it wasn’t the economy but “the lies stupid.”  However you slice and dice it, the majority of the American voters went for what Trump was selling or what his image represented to them – whether true or not.  They didn’t care.


Post-Election MAGA Organization Field Day

Trump is busy ahead of Inauguration Day getting ready for the MAGA revenge show.  It’s going to be the greatest show on earth if he and his supporters have their way.

The collective revenge agenda orchestrated by Trump, ensures that all his key cabinet picks get their grievances settled too – as long as his get settled first.  For example, Elon Musk has a list of grievances against people in government to go after, who investigated him about his self-driving car’s safety.

Another nominee, Pete Hegseth for Defense Secretary,  has scores to settle with officials in the military who he believes did him wrong.

Trump’s deliberately reckless cabinet choices reveal his complete disdain for American democracy and institutions, and include not only those with grievances but people who have little to no experience with the agencies they’ll represent.

His hatred of law enforcement, and political media figures  dominates his mind, so there likely will be dozens of sham investigations to ruin people during his administration – including  “investigating the investigators.”


In this vein – smearing people with misinformation and disinformation will be the law of the land – often with MAGA bullies claiming their actions represent one thing – like in the name of security – while doing the opposite – creating chaos.



In MAGA America what’s up will be down and down will be up in all manner of bad behavior masquerading as self-righteousness.

Soon enough  government agencies will be dismantled, tariffs imposed, and the military used to round up and deport non-citizens by the thousands.  Generals standing in Trump’s way will be replaced with loyalists.

The West Bank will be annexed by Israel, under Mike Huckabee and Marco Rubio, violating international law and increasing world instability and chaos.

Trump will sell out Ukraine to the Russians.


Rallies will continue after the inauguration  as all day victory parties complete with merchandise to commemorate the triumph over “wokeism” (a term that rolls in everything that MAGA doesn’t like).

Rallies will be chock full of detailed information of revenge being carried out to “Make America Great Again,” as well as greatest hits like hatred for the Democrats, immigrants and the liberal media.


The Happiest MAGA Supporters and Groups Benefiting Post-Election

In the time after the 2024 election there will be euphoria among MAGA supporters for a while.  Since many of them don’t have legacy TV channels, the bulk of the partying will be  on social media like TikTok, YouTube, right wing radio and podcasts.

They will be scrolling, watching and listening, in a gleeful, happy place – believing that to the victors go the spoils – and it was time to get even and get theirs!

The Christian Nationalist folks– a subset of MAGA – will also be celebrating the beginning of Christian control over Americans.


All around haters including right to lifers, anti-LGBTQ+, incels,  techbro’s, and racists of all stripes, will be on Cloud-9 as well as anti-vaxxers who knew  they were right all along. 



The grifter characters behind the scenes manipulating MAGA for money and control will continue as  the excitement over the Trump Revenge Show unfolds.

They will perpetuate the propaganda that it’s “us vs. them” and that “the woke elitists thought we were stupid but we showed them!”

“We won!” will be heard triumphantly with fists in the air.



When Reality Sets in for MAGA Supporters

It’s not clear when  MAGA supporters will care about fighting against the disinformation world they created. The tide can only turn when they are slapped so hard with reality that they’ll finally have to come to terms with what their MAGA beliefs turned them into and what it cost them personally.


The hard lesson is that lying is a form of corruption, and the lying we tell ourselves is the worst kind and hardest to break because we’re so invested in it.  Believing in wrong ideas can be deadly.



 The question regarding which Trump voters get destroyed by the truth first remains to be seen.   The list includes:

  • Black males – when they see more job losses and poverty.
  • Arab-American, who refused to vote for Kamala, when they see Trump’s support for Israel’s annexing the West Bank.
  • White males – when they see women declaring that they’re not getting married or having kids and moving out of red states.
  • Hispanics – when they see their family and friends rounded up and deported.

But eventually,  reality will affect all supporters except for the wealthy.  As Trump’s tariffs go into effect, inflation  increases and chaos abounds,  the MAGA  “tear down” mentality will give way to the realization that they shot themselves in the foot.


MAGA supporters  made the fatal mistake of believing that Trump cared about them.


Then and only then will the revenge party  turn into a country of disappointed people in mourning – except for the tech bro billionaires and the MAGA elites, like Elon Musk controlling everything and enslaving people like robots.

When the MAGA takeover is complete,  the fun MAGA rallies will  become increasingly staged propaganda.   People will feel pressured to attend so as not to be labelled a woke dissident. It may not get so extreme as to execute people at rallies – but edited versions of videos showing trials and investigations to shame and financially ruin enemies aren’t that farfetched.

In addition to rallies, the military  may be forced to march in MAGA parades past Trump in a reviewing stand – in a similar fashion to Russian or North Korean soldiers marching and saluting past their dear leaders.


Living in the New Maga Era – Under the Cover of Darkness

It’s helpful  to accept the era you’re in rather than wring your hands, point fingers, or wish it didn’t happen.  The 2024 Presidential election was  a 9/11 moment on an epic scale, and it’s unclear how long it will last.

Ahead of the inauguration on January 20, 2025, Americans are already seeing the erosion of rights and norms in Congress.

For example on November 20, 2024, The House passed a rule that a transgender member of Congress couldn’t use a woman’s bathroom.


This is just the beginning of a hateful trend all over the U.S. now that MAGA is in power.



Think of it as a period like the lead-up to the Nazi’s taking power in Germany when the hatred was building against Jewish people.  But In America,  hatred has now been expanded to include anyone that MAGA doesn’t like – ranging from LGBTQ+ people, immigrants and members of the news media.

It’s unclear whether lower and middle class people will have enough food, cheap gas or housing in the MAGA Era, but it is clear that billionaires will get richer.

New government officials will be on the take, but how bribes will affect everyone is still unknown; one could look at the Trump Administration as one big grift.


The Post-2024 Election American  Resistance

The wisest, most aware Americans will prepare for the worst and make the best out of what is.  Their plan of action may be quiet and profoundly personal – involving deep soul searching – as they figure out what to do and how to get by:

  • Decisions will be made around how you can comfort and support your neighbors, family and friends as well as yourself.
  • How can you feel inspired?  Which radio shows, podcasts will you listen to?
  • Do you need to move?
  • Can you vote and pay attention to what your local government is doing, knowing that there may still be small improvements that can be made at the local level in towns and cities?
  • Can you remember your sphere of influence and do what you can to bring love and not hate into the world?
  • Can you join organizations that you think might offer the greatest help to in various ways?
  • If you’re a teacher, relative or friend – can you educate people to have discernment –  like explaining different points of view to children in a matter of fact way – using age appropriate words?
  • Can you accept joy in whatever form it comes in – like the late night talk show hosts poignantly  illustrating the absurdity and hypocrisy of what’s happening in real time?


The Bottom Line

Sometimes when you get knocked down you stand back up smarter and willing to choose a new and better direction – like seeking out reliable sources of information whether you like what’s being said or not.  It’s possible to wise up at any time.


Sleuthing out the truth during these dark times, will be critical to making good decisions affecting your survival –  like where to get to in an emergency, find food and vaccines.



Minimizing social media exposure and increasing life without it will help you become stronger and more resilient.

Especially important will be watching out for social media platforms that use algorithms to manipulate and promote untrue information that could be dangerous to your health and well-being.

Unfortunately, watching the suffering of MAGA family members, friends, and neighbors can’t be avoided and it will be hard to deal with – even though they brought it on themselves by believing in lies.


Suffering in the school of hard knocks is the only way that some people will learn to live in the real world where facts matter.


In four years or four hundred years, liars and grifters may get run out of town.  But until Americans finds the will to insist on truth telling to put together a cohesive democracy that works for all, people will have to fight just to keep the faith and use their wits to survive.

Sadly, some people won’t make it – because a lie could cost them their lives.


Related audio/video recording:

A song to keep the faith during dark times and remember what’s important:

YouTube, The Late Show, T-bone Burnett, Elvis Costello, November 21, 2024, “I Will Always Love You.”


Other related articles you may be interested in:

The difficulty in telling where people get their news from and everyone’s making things up in a “You are the Media Now.” world:

The Atlantic, Charlie Warzel, November 8, 2024, “Bad News.”



An article describing the last days of the 2024 Presidential Campaign and what it meant:

Helen’s Place LLC, October 31, 2024, “Cat Lady Cometh:  The 2024 Election War of Words – Part 2.



Helen’s Place LLC is an information and educational materials company celebrating English Language Arts, Cognitive Science and the love of birds.

It’s the maker of  printed instructional, educational, and teaching materials for children and adults in the field of English Language Arts and Cognitive Science


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to    We’re always interested in learning more about you and the issues that are important to you.



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