Archived: DACA Debacle Caused Young Voter Action in 2020

By Robin Carpenter November 3, 2017

Archive | Historical Interest:  Helen’s Place LLC  July 27, 2022

Young voters contributed to the presidential election  of Joe Biden in 2020, however DACA, one of their key issues remains unresolved.

 In 2018, the Supreme court ordered a reprieve of the DACA program to prevent deportation of young people in the program.  However, as of June 30, 2022, the DACA program is in jeopardy again.

This problem will remain an issue for young voters in 2024, and continues to be a drain on their emotional fitness to lead productive lives.

Helen’s Place LLC     November 3, 2017  17:40

What young and future voters care about is Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), also known as  “Dreamers,” who are 800,000 DACA recipients who came to the U.S. illegally with their parents, through no fault of their own.

The DACA issue is personal for millennials and post-millennials, because  it affects the friends, classmates, brothers, sisters and co-workers, they interact with everyday.

According to a Huffington Post report on November 2, 2017, the likelihood of deportation has increased dramatically for thousands of DACA young people at risk of being deported beginning in 2018, due to President Trump’s termination of the DACA program in September 2017.

Looming is the realization that if there’s no action taken by Congress to include provisions to protect DACA recipients in the budget bill before Congress, or before February 2018 when DACA expires, it’s possible that deportations will start occurring as early as March 2018.


Young people in schools everywhere are expressing worry that people they care about will start disappearing from school and at work.


They say that they have little faith Congress will act, as exemplified by the failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform legislation, which lead President Obama to issue the DACA Executive Order in the first place in 2012.

Additionally, young people care about jobs and their prospects for the future, so that if the economy is devastated by the loss of revenue from the Dreamers loss of jobs, this affects them personally.

According to Fortune July 27, 2017, we can expect $3.4 billion in costs associated with the termination and replacement of employees, and a loss of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $433.4 billion.

The DACA debacle could affect the 2020 election more than any other issue, because young voters, will be in the majority of the voting population by 2020 according to CNN July 25, 2017, and they could make this a hotbed issue.

Outraged by the potential outcome of DACA repeal, including deportations of family and friends, they could mobilize the vote and take back America in the presidential election of 2020.

Currently, the Republican Congress appears to be counting on historically low turnout of young voters in 2020, as they continue blindly on their current course of self-interest, including promoting tax cuts for wealthy Americans.

However, if they fail to act on DACA, Republicans stand a good chance of being demolished at the polls by the awakening of the sleeping giant of young voters. Young people, if they seize their power, have the potential to level a blow to Trumpism and the Republican Party.

Related audio/video interview recording:

An analysis of the young voter turnout in 2020:

First Coast News, November 13, 2020, “Young voters turn out in greater numbers for 2020 election”

Other related article you may be interested in:

More information about DACA:

Helen’s Place LLC, “Lost Children in America Join DACA Orphans-Future Orphans”  


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to







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