Keep ‘Work as a Choice’ Mindset Through Life

By Robin Carpenter January 5, 2021

Helen’s Place LLC   Update:  August 6, 2022


Facing another day of drudgery at a job you don’t want, presents challenges. Do you go ahead and physically go to work, or login to start another day online at a remote job?  

Mulling this over, most people choose to go to work because the alternative of being reprimanded or losing a job isn’t worth it.  You need the money.

 You’ve heard a thousand times to regard your job as a “stepping stone” to a better one, and to find something good about it – like a chance to add experience to your resume, meet people, or learn new skills.  

However, if you can’t find anything good about it, and you know you’ve reached the end of the line, it’s time to get in action to find a better job.



It would be great if you could let this knowledge free you up to be more peaceful in the moment.  EXCEPT – because the options available to you seem so bleak or impossible, you really do believe that you’re being forced  to keep working at the job you dislike, even though you’re not. 


Emotional Fitness Solutions:


1. Repeat, “work is a choice, I’m not stuck!”

2. Add humor to your emotional fitness toolbox with phrases   like, “I was looking for a job when I found this one!” When you look at what you’re going through with detached humor, the roadblock to leaving diminishes.

3. Figure out your own strategies that work for you.


You might find that by practicing emotional fitness, you’ll  be able to reframe the story of your job experience in a more constructive way;  

Understand that It’s the nature of the mind to put up roadblocks for why you can’t do something, so accept this reality, and devise ways  to work around it. 


The main point is to adopt a mindset that you’re in charge of your own life


You may notice that people sometimes get bogged down trying to figure out WHY they’re a certain way i.e. lacking in confidence, procrastinating etc.  This mental activity is just a roadblock, so don’t be fooled by the mind trying to trick you into paralysis.


It may seem absurd but true, that you have to become a more emotionally fit person in order to withstand the power of your own mind trying to stop you from doing what you want.


 Set a deadline date to leave the job – but don’t wait too long.

Even if you decide to  leave in a year or further out because it’s not that unbearable and you don’t feel ready to quit, get prepared to walk out anyway.   


This is because situations frequently have a way of escalating when it’s your time to go.


If you find yourself angry or overly critical of a manager or boss, you may be at risk of creating an incident where you could get fired.   A telltale sign is if you have an outburst that surprises even you.

Yes, as a rule of thumb it works out better to find a new job before you leave the old one.  However, if the situation escalates, or you’re being abused,  you may have to quit and take your chances. 



Related audio/video recording:

A short and blunt video from a young life coach’s perspective:

YouTube, Shaina  Leis, April 18,  2018, “You Hate Your Job But Can’t Leave”



Other related article you may be interested in: 

About  frustrations with a manager or boss:

Helen’s Place LLC,  June 21, 2021  “Missing the Boat When Someone Criticizes you at Work?


Your comments are greatly appreciated.  Send them to Helen’s Place LLC via email to  We’re always interested in learning more about you and the issues that are important to you.





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