
How Story of Chicken Little and the Sky is Falling is True

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC,   Update:  July 31, 2022 On a daily basis, Americans are bombarded…

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Moving: Beg, Barter, Salvage & Share

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC     UPDATE July 6, 2022 People are on the move all…

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Starlings Missing from Citizen’s Garden: A Migratory Mystery

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC    October 31, 2021 Where did the birds go?  Every year…

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Helen’s Place LLC Quarterly Update – September 2021


Helen’s Place LLC     Update: September 25, 2021 This newsletter is for teachers, educators,…

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Three Takeaways for Preserving Memories to Last

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC    September 11, 2021   Kelsey McKinney in her New York Times…

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How to Preserve Memories to Solve a Puzzle

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC     Update July 9, 2021 You may not have the…

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Free Birds Surround Afghan Women in the Safe Zone

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   | Author’s Corner   Update:  August 15, 2022, on the…

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What to Do When Kids Wear Masks Upside Down?

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update:  August 10, 2022 Since this article was first published…

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Missing the Boat When Someone Criticizes You at Work?

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC     Update:  August 5, 2022 You’ve read a lot of articles…

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A Non-Bird Person’s Encounter with Hawk on His Fire Escape

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC  | Birdblog   May 31, 2021 Review The New York Times,…

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The Feather Birdhouse at Helen’s Place: Bretton’s Birdhouse

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC | Birdblog   May 11, 2021   A person’s experience with…

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Human Infrastructure and People-on-the-Move Ready to Work

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update: August 11, 2022 On November 15, 2021,  President Biden…

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What’s Threatening Women in the Workforce the Most

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC    Update:  August 4, 2022 Reflecting back almost four years ago…

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Tips for Running a Homeschool: Young Mother Shares her Story

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update: August 9, 2022 Over a year later, the young…

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Broadband Access Solutions for Education and Remote Work

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC     Update July 17, 2022   On November 15, 2021, President…

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