
Say It To My Face – Not Behind Closed Doors

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update August 28, 2024   When Kamala Harris said, “If…

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The Call for People of Faith to End Christian Nationalism

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC  Update: August 1, 2024   The rain falls on the just…

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Benjamin Franklin’s Quotes and Meanings: Perfection Quest

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place  LLC  | Transcripts | English Language Arts Benjamin Franklin Quotes and Meanings: Perfection…

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Without A New Fairness Doctrine Chaos Engulfs U.S.

Robin Carpenter

Helen’s Place LLC,  Update: June 14, 2024   Over a slow erosion of American values…

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“Feather Birdhouse” Pigeon Joins Birds Aren’t Real Movement

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update March 17, 2024   News from The Feather Birdhouse…

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Birds Aren’t Real: Update to Conspiracy Fighting Movement

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update March 14, 2024   Birds Aren’t Real; Lies Are…

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How to Survive the 2024 Election Season: Humor and Resolve

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC  Update: February 27, 2024   We can survive the 2024 election…

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