
“Feather Birdhouse” Pigeon Joins Birds Aren’t Real Movement

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC   Update March 17, 2024   News from The Feather Birdhouse…

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Why Trash Birds Are Some People’s Treasures

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC    July 30, 2022 If you’re a birdwatcher and enjoy a…

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The Feather Birdhouse at Helen’s Place: The Bird Ninjas


Helen’s Place LLC   | Birdblog   The Ninja birdwatchers celebrating that you can always gaze…

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Starlings Missing from Citizen’s Garden: A Migratory Mystery

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC    October 31, 2021 Where did the birds go?  Every year…

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A Non-Bird Person’s Encounter with Hawk on His Fire Escape

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC  | Birdblog   May 31, 2021 Review The New York Times,…

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The Feather Birdhouse at Helen’s Place: Bretton’s Birdhouse

Robin Carpenter

  Helen’s Place LLC | Birdblog   May 11, 2021   A person’s experience with…

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“Feather Birdhouse” Pigeon Joins Birds Aren’t Real Movement
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Robin Carpenter

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